About Children's Ministries
At Covenant Presbyterian Church, we celebrate children and families and teach all how to be faithful disciples through Christian education, worship, outreach and mission, family fellowship, and music. Covenant children and families attend Sunday School, participate in worship, raise money for Heifer Project International, join their families at the Church Greening and Lenten Suppers, and serve as scripture readers in worship. They also sing in the children's choir, liturgical dance, dramatize the Christmas story, and experience the love of God and Jesus, not just on Sunday, but every day. As Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs" (Mark 10:14). Children at Covenant Presbyterian Church are an essential part of our church community.
For more information about Children's Ministries at Covenant, please contact Megan Berry, our Associate Pastor for Children, Youth & Families.