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Creation Care at Covenant

In Genesis, the first humans were given responsibility to care for creation. In recent decades, we've realized how humanity has not been faithful to our calling and the earth is in trouble. The Bible says a lot about creation and our responsibility to it. Additionally, environmental issues impact poor people and people of color.


Then God said, “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild animals of the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” -Genesis 1:26 NRSV

At Covenant, we are dedicated to upholding the call given to us by God in Genesis. We recognize the goodness of all God’s creation and are taking efforts to sustain creation and support our planet; such as increased recycling, composting, and solar panels.  


At Covenant, we make it a priority to recycle all recyclable material. The Covenant Green Team and Building & Grounds Committee brainstorm collaboratively to think of more ways we can be more mindful of waste as a congregation.


We make a point to gather all compostable waste (anything you can put into the ground that will decompose) after gatherings that food is served. If it is not enough to donate, our Green Team or other volunteers/staff compost the waste in our on-site compost bin.


In addition to using food related items that recyclable and composting coffee grounds & other appropriate food waste in our kitchen, we also take every opportunity to refuse, reduce and reuse, with the use and operation of the kitchen and in serving food and beverages in our fellowship hall. This means refusing, whenever possible, to purchase foods and beverages that come in plastic containers and packaging that can not be recycled, and ends up in the landfill. Covenant also takes every opportunity to make use of our kitchen's: coffee cups, glasses, plates, bowels, silverware and other washable items. In this way, we reuse and reduce the amount the waste that goes to the landfill.

Solar Panels

Covenant solar panels were installed the week before Christmas in December 2017 (a Christmas miracle!). This renewable energy system was tied into our church's electric system in January 2018. Installing this solar panel system is actively reducing our carbon footprint as well as saving the church in utility cost on a monthly/yearly basis so that more resources are available for Mission and Outreach.


CLICK HERE to learn more, and to see live and comprehensive statistics from our solar panels.

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Eco-Palms Initiative

On Palm Sunday, the palms we wave to the cries of "Hosanna" are a part of the Eco-Palms program, which helps palm harvesters in Latin America, their families, and their communities find pathways out of poverty and encourage sustainable harvesting. These palms are burned into ashes to be used for Ash Wednesday next year.

Covenant's Green Team

Chris Gomez-Schmidt

Nancy Gunder

Peter Gunder

Mary-Beth Rolland

Peter Hughes

Carrie Sanders

Barb Eikenberry

Frances Parker

Tracy Hokanson

John Hokanson

Doug Poland

Randy Zirk

Rosemary Jones

Tom Blewett

Joe Hanhauer

Linda McNeel

Mary Kieta


Charlie Berthoud

Melissa Hinz

Bailey Green


  1. Education & Communication

  2. Kitchen Sustainability 

  3. Building Waste Management Plan

  4. Green Grounds 

  5. Multi-modal Transportation 

  6. Energy Savings and Management

Creation Care: Our Common Calling

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In January and February of 2023, we had a sermon series dedicated to Creation Care which addressed the following:

In Genesis, the first humans were given responsibility to care for creation. In recent decades, we've realized how humanity has not been faithful to our calling and the earth is in trouble. What does the Bible say about creation and our responsibility? What are the scientists telling us? How do environmental issues impact poor people and people of color? How can we be instruments of reconciliation for humanity and creation?

You can watch the services in this sermon series HERE, or listen to the sermons on our sermon podcast.


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:00-4:00pm

Friday: 9:00-12:00pm


326 S Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53705

We are a community of people who gather to worship, learn, and grow as Christians. We don't have all the answers, but seek to discover God's will and ways in our families, community, and across the world. Together, we enjoy fellowship and strive to serve God in our daily lives.

Masks are optional at Covenant.

A motion was passed by our Session in concordance with our Reopening Task Force on March 9, 2023. Please be respectful of those who choose to wear a mask.

© 2020 by Covenant Presbyterian Church.

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