New Additions!
Hearing the Voices of People Long Silenced: Women of Genesis
The following books have been added to the library at Covenant in support of the sermon series on “Women in Genesis”. There are many other wonderful books also shelved under the subject heading “Women” in the library. Stop in and take a look. Happy Reading!
Sarah and Hagar: Women of Promise by Iren Nowell
The Woman Who Named God by Charlotte Gordon
Women in the Old Testament by Irene Nowell
What My Grandmothers Taught Me: Learning from the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus by Merryl Blair (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary)
Mission Statement
The Covenant Library seeks to support the ministry and mission of Covenant Presbyterian Church. It is a resource in our disciple-forming community that provides materials to advance the study of worship and prayer, to cultivate deep and nurturing relationships, and to encourage faithful ministry in our daily lives.
What's in the library?
We group our books by subject matter (called "tags" in TinyCat) on the shelves of the library, alphabetized by author. You can browse our digital catalog from TinyCat here.
Check out the new books in the library!
We have rearranged some of the books in the library and want to highlight a new subject category. Right under the “Social Justice” books for adults we have a new “Social Justice—Parent and Child” space. Around 16+ new books have been added to the shelf. These include stories about social justice and race issues for children and parent to talk about together. Some of the titles are Parenting Forward: How to Raise Children with Justice, Mercy, and Kindness by Cynthia Wang Brandt , The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World by Lydia Wylie-Kellerman, Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too by Jennifer Grant, and many others.
If you have any faith-based books to suggest in any category, please let the librarian know about them. You can contact the librarian, Patricia Herrling, at pjherrli@wisc.edu. Happy Reading!
How to check out items
By the door to the library (which is directly on your right when you walk through the front doors), there is a stand with Covenant Library Checkout sheets. We use the honor system: simply list your name, the item's title, and the date. Please ensure the borrowed items are returned within one month of their checkout date, so that others may enjoy them.
Click here for more detailed information about how books are chosen for the library. Contact our volunteer librarian, Patricia Herrling, with any ideas or requests for new books in the library.