Missions at Covenant
The prophet Micah tells us to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. The mission work of Covenant Presbyterian Church provides the opportunity to do justice with real, practical actions that connect us to our neighbors in Madison and around the world. In humility, we recognize that what we do is as much about learning as it is about serving. Individually and as a whole body, we walk in partnership with many who work to make the world a better place (see our mission partners). Inspired by Christ’s love of the outcast, stranger, and oppressed, we seek to reflect Christ’s ministry in our lives. Through the Holy Spirit, we do more together than we could ever do alone.
Eco-Palms Initiative
On Palm Sunday, the palms that we wave to the cries of "Hosanna" are a part of the Eco-Palms program, which helps palm harvesters in Latin America, their families, and their communities find pathways out of poverty and encourage sustainable harvesting.
Service Within the Church
One of the ways we serve God’s kingdom is by supporting one another and supporting the ministries at the church. There are many different ways to encourage one another and help support the function and ministries at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Every week we have many activities, and especially on Sundays, we are looking for people to help make coffee, hold the door, and hand out bulletins. Those are just some of the ways in which you can help support the ministry of the church on a regular basis.
Housing Initiatives
“Is not this the fast that I choose…: to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house?” –From Isaiah 58
At Covenant, we believe that every person should have a safe place to lay their heads. To address this, Covenant supports organizations that exist to help people experiencing homelessness. These organizations help to shelter people in need when the crisis hits and helps people to find permanent, stable housing. As Christians, we believe that all God’s children should find safety and comfort.
Children, Youth, and Families
“But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” –Matthew 19:14
We live in the hope for the future and strive to make that future brighter by supporting the youngest amongst us. We are joyful in our partnership with the organizations that work to ensure that all of God’s children feel loved and cared for. The organizations we support work to build up families, empower parents, and teach children and youth valuable skills that they can use to bring to fruition the hope we have for the future.
Denominational Support
“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.”
–Romans 12:4-5
Covenant Presbyterian Church is a proud member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). As a member of the denomination, we believe that it is incumbent on us to support the work of the broader church. We believe that the work we undertake with the PC(USA) creates a collective impact that magnifies the blessings that we have been given.
International Mission
Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples. –1 Chronicles 16:23-24
Our work extends beyond the borders of our nation, just as God’s love extends to all the world. Covenant is blessed with mission partners all over the world. We have a robust and mutual partnership with communities in Guatemala. We also support mission coworkers on four different continents, as they build relationships with their neighbors in the communities they live.
Food Justice
“Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God… who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry.” –From Psalm 146
Hunger is a continuing problem in our world, and Covenant supports organizations that help to feed people in need. There is no reason for a person to go hungry in a world of so much abundance, and yet there is so much hunger out there. Jesus said “I was hungry and you fed me”, and we seek to continue feeding Jesus through supporting organizations that help feed the hungry.
Social Justice
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” –Micah 6:8
We understand that there are gaps in the systems that leave people, and our planet, particularly vulnerable. Covenant Presbyterian Church firmly believes that all people are made in the image of God and are befitting of the dignity that entails. We support organizations that uphold the dignity of all people, that support them in times of need, and that provide space and opportunity for them to thrive. Additionally, we recognize the goodness of all God’s creation and are taking efforts to sustain creation and support our planet, and that our decisions to ignore this call affect people of color and and those in poverty.
Creation Care
We recognize the goodness of all God’s creation and are taking efforts to sustain creation and support our planet; such as increased recycling, composting, and solar panels. Visit our Creation Care page for more information on this issue that is imbedded deep in our mission at Covenant.