Worship with Us In-Person and Online!
Our Worship services are in-person, and are also livestreamed each week.
ONE SERVICE at 9:30am
September - May
9:00am New Day Worship (Contemporary)
11:00 am Traditional Worship
Our Worship services are in-persLivestreamed services can be watched on our YouTube channel.
You can watch past worship services here as well!
Visit our Worship Headquarters page for EVERYTHING you need to worship with us online.
We practice Communion on the first Sunday of every month.
Please have bread and juice (or something similar) ready to share in the feast.
Worship at Covenant
As a congregation, we are committed to growing in faith and learning how our faith shapes our lives. Our 9:00 service is a more relaxed, casual worship experience with a piano-led band. We also have a more traditional worship service at 11:00, which features more classical music, a choir and is led by an organ. During the summer, we transition to one service at 9:30am. Our services are family-friendly, engaging, educational, and uplifting for people of all ages. We also have special programs for children in worship. As a community, we seek to listen to God's word that we might be a reflection of God's light and love to the world!
If you will be visiting us for the first time, CLICK HERE if you have questions or want to know what to expect.
Worshipping with Music
Music ministries have been a vibrant part of our congregation's worship since our beginnings. Today, we have traditional choirs, a contemporary worship band, piano and organ-led services, and a handbell choir. We also have special recitals and music events throughout the year, including our annual Vacation Bible School musical.
Celebrating Creativity
We use a variety of approaches to preaching the Word here at Covenant. Throughout the year, we include creative expression in worship as much as possible. This includes dramas, art, liturgical dancers, music recitals, and more!
Language Used in Worship
Human language cannot adequately name and describe God. In our liturgy, we may use traditional texts that refer to God as "He." However, we also strive to use language, which is both faithful to biblical truth and which does not exclude people because of gender, color, or other circumstances in life.
Celebration of Holy Communion
We observe Communion on the first Sunday of every month. Following Jesus' example of sharing meals with both "sinners" and "saints," we invite all who desire to share the bread of life and cup of salvation with us. In celebrating the sacrament, we use gluten-free bread and grape juice, so that all may share with us.